Original Post

This post is one of four civic issue blogs designed by the guidelines provided by the course ENG 138T. I chose the overall civic issue of racial stereotypes. I began with analyzing Islamic stereotypes, but  while considering what stereotype to research next, I decided to  sail uncharted waters. I wrote about classic "white" stereotypes.

Besides a few generic grammatical errors, I don't have a lot of criticism for this post. I do wonder if I used the term "white people" too much, as it is racially insensitive. Using "Caucasian" may have been a better choice since I am trying to dissolve stereotypes through my blog posts, not enforce them. 

I chose a narrative introduction. This was an experimental form of writing for me, but I believe it was an effective way to introduce the hatred many minorities harbor toward Caucasians. 
"“Your white privilege is showing!” my sassy black coworker announced last week to a group of white girls shopping at our store. They had come in, blatantly ignored him, and started trashing the store while figuring out what to get with the money daddy put in their bank accounts. They either didn't hear him, or simply chose not to."

Combining my personal experience while referencing an unconventional source, urbandictionary.com, I listed common white stereotypes.
"Single handedly, the most violent race of human beings throughout the history of mankind. No other race of human beings has killed more people, raped more women, destroyed more cultures, or has stolen as much land as white people. White people are the most hated race of human beings.
Read any university level history book to learn the truth about “White people”."

I responded to this post whist utilizing pathos:

"The truth is that Whites are judged almost entirely off the actions of their ancestors and the way they are treated. White privilege is a statistical fact, but not one that applies to all. Not all whites are racist. Not all white girls are spoiled. Not all white people are murderers and rapists. I was shocked and appalled to learn that something this serious was joked about. Yes, we’ve all seen the spoiled white girls and the successful business men who literally do nothing but inherit daddy’s wealth, but NOT ALL STEREOTYPES ARE TRUE. The atrocious acts done by white ancestors, which span an extremely broad span of European countries, must be forgiven. If we can get past the Japanese for Pearl Harbor, the Germans for the Halocaust, and the Huns for conquering the Germanic tribes leading to the demis of the Roman Empire and the dawn of the Dark Ages, we can get over the acts done by people long buried. "

I also used a comic to emphasize how our society's acceptance of white privilege spurs these stereotypes. 

"We associate with people we are most like, and often without realizing it exclude others. Although whites are not the overall global majority, they hold the most power and influence in the world. Stereotypes are always an exaggeration of a small truth, and it’s easy to see where the hatred of whites comes from. When you’re constantly being asked if you’re the help, falsely accused of crime, or judged based on your skin color, you tend to hate its source. White people stereotypes stem from more then just hate, they extend from envy."

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    Adelina Richards

    Sophomore studying Security and Risk Analysis at the Pennsylvania State University. 


    April 2013

